I have not stopped sewing, I don't think I can nor I want to ever stop sewing :) It's probably like a therapy for me (and fabric as my drug of choice...).
Sewing-related news since my last post:
I've sewn a couple shirts for my husband.
Went to a couple of sewing meetups :)
Sewn aprons (custom ordered by friends).
Sewn totes (for me, family & friends).
Opened an Etsy shop selling handmade fabric crafts (mainly tote bag and pouches for now since Christmas).
Started an FB page for said endeavor/more to showcase work-in-progress. ("likes" and "favorite the shop" are always very welcomed!)
Learnt to thread my serger at a meetup!!! yay!!!
Made a denim dress and a cotton lace top for me.
Took a few custom orders of totes and toddler quilt from friends.
Went to a couple of etsy related meetups.
Learnt to use my serger and thread on my own!!!
Started a serger-centric sweater dress (status: 3/4 done, but have to refit the shoulder part)
Custom orders mentioned above taking my sewing time away... :(
Meanwhile, it might be getting warmer soon for me to wear my merino wool sweater dress??? Maybe if I sew faster I might get to wear it to the SewExpo tomorrow? But at the same time, I have this toddler quilt of my good friend's daughter to finish...
Ohhh... The Sewing and Stitchery Expo or SEW EXPO in Puyallup, WA started this week and am going tomorrow (Sat & Sunday). Hope to meet up with some sewing folks there. It's been mentioned that I should check out the America Sewing Guild booth, so that's what I shall do.
Now, I'm new at this whole sewing for selling bit, and transitioning from pleasure sewing to starting even just a tiny business takes a lot of energy (brain-wise as well). I'm not set out to conquer the whole world (just mine), but sometimes you need to take the bull by the horn and see where it gets you to. I do hope that I will emerge more inspired than anything else :)
Memoryseed is purely about my personal ups and downs in sewing, and has always been re my garment sewing adventures. I've always been quite a slow sewist/seamstress, but I aim to take some time to continue making garments for me and my small family in between my other sewing endeavors. This month marked the 5th year of my being in the US. It's a huge deal to me finally feeling that I've overcame the feeling of isolation/loss of being a transplant. I've always maintained that sewing (and starting this blog, reading others' and learning) helped me tremendously. My personal hope for 2014 and beyond will be to continue learning, and now also to reach out to the sewing community, esp the Seattle based ones... :)
xo Far